100+ Infographics To Understand and Manage Your E-Waste Better

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Photo Credit: freepik.com

E-waste or electronic waste is one of the most pressing environmental concerns in the world. Not only e-waste generation is fast, but it increases every year too. To keep pace with rapid software development, we continue to upgrade our hardware, disposing of old electronics and buying new ones.

On the one hand, this supports technological advancements, but on the other, the cost to the planet and its people is grave and absolute.

Poor handling of e-waste (and continually adding more to it) breeds issues as vast as climate change, soil and water pollution, human rights abuses, health hazards, cybersecurity threats, internal displacements, child labor, conflict mining, and so much more.

To pull this bull by the horns and minimize commercial and residential e-waste, education remains the key. Below we have collected 100+ infographics to help you with that. Use these incredible data presentations to educate yourselves, your schools, workspaces, and businesses to embed electronic recycling more closely into your daily life.

100+ Infographics that Demistify Electronic Recycling

The infographics below address a range of topics within the electronic recycling realm. From the basics of e-waste recycling to sustainable living goals, you’ll find everything here.

1. What is e-waste?

What is e-waste?
Image Source: servermonkey.com

This infographic gives you a succinct definition of e-waste, outlining what it is, the hazardous materials found in it, and the proper way to dispose of common electronics.

2. E-waste at a glance

E-waste at a glance
Image Source: greenerideal.com

Before we get into the details, take an overall look at what’s e-waste and how to fix it.

3. Understanding e-waste

Understanding e-waste
Image Source: info.junk-king.com

An incredible amount of resources go into creating a single laptop or cellphone. Learn what we do with the devices after all the hard work it takes to make them.

4. A look into the past

A look into the past
Image Source: pureplanetrecycling.co.uk

Below are some numbers from 2014 to show you how quickly the e-waste issue has gathered speed and momentum.

5.What causes electronic waste

What causes electronic waste
Image Source: techopedia.com

As the e-waste issue continues to worsen, let’s take a look at the factors causing the crisis.

6. The reality of e-waste

The reality of e-waste
Image Source: getrepowered.org

The world dumps most of its old electronics as discarded waste every year. Even though those electronics contain a wealth of valuable materials in them. For example, if only one million laptops were recycled, they’d be able to power more than 3.500 American homes

7. The impact of e-waste

The impact of e-waste
Image Source: hp.com

To reduce the impact of e-waste, it’s fundamental first to understand how big it is. HP published this infographic a few years ago to talk about the impact of e-waste. Interestingly, the company failed to mention its share of the problem and what it is doing to combat that.

8. Distribution of types of e-waste

Distribution of types of e-waste
Image Source: researchgate.net

This infographic shows the distribution of types of e-waste collected from homes and workplaces.

9. Why is e-waste growing so fast?

Why is e-waste growing so fast?
Image Source: raconteur.net

An infographic by Raconteur outlines factors responsible for the rapid rise in e-waste around the world.

10. How long does waste last

How long does waste last
Image Source: globaltrashsolutions.com

Some types of waste are easy to recycle, some decompose naturally without putting more strain on the resources, and some types of trash never go away. Find out more below.

11. E-waste by the numbers

E-waste by the numbers
Image Source: adepem.com

This infographic puts into perspective the culture of obsolescence that we often talk about on this blog. With one-fourth of appliances failing within the first few years of their life, how realistic is it to put your hopes on e-waste recycling as the solution? Manufacturers of these devices must be held accountable and forced to make better products.

12. Some facts about e-waste

Some facts about e-waste
Image Source: roadrunnerwm.com

As mammoth-like as this problem has become, it can often feel too complicated to deal with. So here are 50 facts for you to understand e-waste and make sense of the issue.

13. Some more e-waste numbers

Some facts about e-waste
Image Source: gerteam.com

If the previous infographic wasn’t clear, here are some more numbers for your perusal.

14. The world’s worst e-waste offenders — per capita

The world’s worst e-waste offenders — per capita
Image Source: statista.com

Did you think the U.S. is the world’s biggest producer of toxic e-waste? You’re wrong. That’s China. But in terms of per capita e-waste generation, the country that leads the charge is Norway, with 26 kilograms of e-waste per capita a year.

15. E-waste in the USA

E-waste in the USA
Image Source: hummingbirdinternational.net

There are no country-wide laws instructing a standardized e-waste recycling process in the U.S. So far 25 states and the District of Colombia have passed e-waste laws, but half of the country remains without them.

16. E-waste in the UK

E-waste in the UK
Image Source: okdo.com

In the first six months of 2021, the UK generated 148,134.09 tonnes of e-waste.

Quoting straight from the infographic, “You could build almost 15 Eiffel Towers with the amount of e-waste produced in the UK between January and June 2021.”

17. E-waste in Australia

E-waste in Australia
Image Source: totalgreenrecycling.com.au

This brief set of numbers gives you a little peek into the e-waste problem in Australia. Though the digital divide is massive there, the amount of electronic devices thrown away every day is staggering.

18. E-waste in the European Union

E-waste in the European Union
Image Source: europarl.europa.eu

In 2021, countries in the EU collected 13.5 million tonnes of e-waste they generated. Remember that the ‘collected e-waste’ is not the same as the ‘e-waste generated’. The e-waste produced by EU countries is much higher. The UK alone generates the second-highest amount of e-waste per capita in the world, with 23.9 kg.

19. E-waste in Singapore

E-waste in Singapore
Image Source: nea.gov.sg

On average, Singapore generates about 60,000 tonnes of e-waste a year. This infographic is part of a detailed article that covers the e-waste issue in Singapore and government initiatives that are addressing the problem.

20. Global e-waste trajectory

Global e-waste trajectory
Image Source: custommade.com

While this infographic contains many important data sets, look at their global e-waste trajectory section. You’ll see where the world’s toxic e-waste is being generated and where it’s being set — through legal and illegal means.

21. The digital dump

The digital dump
Image Source: infogram.com

The digital dump refers to the practice of exporting e-waste generated by the developed world to be taken care of by the underdeveloped world.

22. Tracking the world’s e-waste

Tracking the world’s e-waste
Image Source: livescience.com

Take a look at who generates the world’s e-waste and who is forced to clean up the mess they don’t create.

23. The human cost of e-waste

The human cost of e-waste
Image Source: inhabitat.com

The rich Western countries use the most amount of electronics and create the most amount of e-waste. Then they export this garbage to underdeveloped countries around the world. The lack of proper e-waste recycling legislation and infrastructure in those countries means people who work on those e-waste landfills are poor families and children. They routinely get exposed to dangerous toxins, leaks, and raw materials. Their soil gets polluted, water resources become poisonous, and air gets polluted.

That is the most toxic and dangerous side of the e-waste crisis.

24. The ‘waste’ in e-waste

The ‘waste’ in e-waste
Image Source: infographicplaza.com

Even though we discard most of the electronic waste as pure waste, all our devices contain incredible amounts of precious metals and minerals. If we had recycled all our electronics, we would have recovered precious raw materials worth around $57 billion.

25. Global e-waste management market

Global e-waste management market
Image Source: fortunebusinessinsights.com

The global e-waste management market is growing in response to rising e-waste and electronic recycling awareness. Take a look at what this industry entails.

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26. The process of managing end-of-life IT equipment

The process of managing end-of-life IT equipment
Image Source: simslifecycle.com

Learn about the stages of e-waste recycling an electronic device goes through when it reaches its end of life.

27. The Sustainable Recycling Industries Organization

The Sustainable Recycling Industries Organization
Image Source: sustainable-recycling.org

The SRI is an environmental initiative tasked with helping the developing world — where the rich countries ship their e-waste — build sustainable recycling capacities.

28. How to dispose of old electronics

How to dispose of old electronics
Image Source: discountdumpsterco.com

Old electronics contain a considerable quantity of hazardous materials. Disposing of them improperly exposes the environment to all sorts of toxic leaks and harms. This infographic lays out the rules and processes of responsible e-waste recycling clearly.

29. Effects of Improper E-waste Disposal

Effects of Improper E-waste Disposal
Image Source: who.int

When we aren’t careful about our e-waste disposal, it can cause serious concerns for the environment and communities near the disposal sites. Take a look.

30. Rise of sustainable shopping

Rise of sustainable shopping
Image Source: blog.sendle.com

Not only consumers are eager to recycle more, but they are also looking for ways to address the root cause of the problem. One way they are nipping this evil in the bud is to shift towards more sustainable ways to live and shop.

31. Rise of sustainable web

Rise of sustainable web
Image Source: hostgator.com

Did you think that sustainability shifts were limited to recycling and shopping? Think again. Environmentally conscious brands and designers are leading the charger towards a greener world wide web.

32. Rise of sustainable finance

Rise of sustainable finance
Image Source: sustainalytics.com

Sustainable finance refers to investing in environmentally sustainable projects. Over the years, more and more investors and financial institutions have started to support climate-focused initiatives, strengthening the sustainable finance industry.

33. Rise of sustainable brewing

Rise of sustainable brewing
Image Source: custommade.com

Breweries and wineries are one of the least sustainable industries in the world. At the moment, there are potentially zero breweries globally that could call themselves 100% sustainable. Almost all of them consume more resources than they give back to the planet. Yet, some of them are trying to change that. Let’s see how.

34. Rise of sustainable packaging

Rise of sustainable packaging
Image Source: brewersofeurope.eu

Businesses are looking to explore lasting and environment-friendly ways to package and process their products. The infographic below sheds light on Europe’s brewing industry’s foray into sustainable packaging.

35. The rise of sustainability in the supply chain

The rise of sustainability in the supply chain
Image Source: sustainalytics.com

For businesses to become sustainable, it starts at the bottom with the supply chain. This infographic identifies 6 factors that impact the efficiency and sustainably of the supply chain most strongly.

36. E-waste in the workplace

E-waste in the workplace
Image Source: seamservices.com

Commercial e-waste generated by businesses puts a tremendous amount of pressure on IT disposal and recycling systems. Take a look at the infographic below to see how it happens.

37. Paper waste in the workplace

Paper waste in the workplace
Image Source: greenerideal.com

Even though our workplaces have become more digitized, paper still plays a large role when we do creative work, attend meetings, or print important documents.

Learn about its impact on the environment.

38. 7 reasons why being sustainable is good business

7 reasons why being sustainable is good business
Image Source: blog.se.com

Take a look through this infographic to learn why caring about the environment makes good business sense.

39. Benefits of improved environmental performance

Benefits of improved environmental performance
Image Source: blog.flexis.com

From premium prices to premium investor valuations, this infographic details some of the financial benefits of being an environmentally friendly business.

40. Business benefits of recycling

Business benefits of recycling
Image Source: skip-hire-durham.co.uk

Businesses that prioritize recycling enjoy high team morale, attract the best talent, and also maximize their profits. Learn what else good recycling brings your way.

41. Perks of being an eco-friendly company

Perks of being an eco-friendly company
Image Source: ecogreenlove.com

Customers and investors are increasingly shifting towards companies that prefer the environment over corporate greed. To position yourself as such a brand, here are some perks to attract you and simple how-to to guide you.

42. Forest Stewardship in Canada

Forest Stewardship in Canada
Image Source: blog.resolutefp.com

Resolute is a paper and power generation company operating in Canada and the U.S. In this infographic, Resolute shares how it protects the woodlands and forests it benefits from and keeps its environmental impact at the minimum.

43. Reducing corporate impact on the environment

Reducing corporate impact on the environment
Image Source: globalfurnituregroup.com

This one company is sharing how it reduces and minimizes its environmental footprint to sustain a better and greener planet for all.

44. The basics of recycling

The basics of recycling
Image Source: globaltrashsolutions.com

Learn the basics of recycling including the recycling loop, everyday items that are easily recyclable, and the purpose behind the recycling movement.

45. Living the zero-waste life

Living the zero-waste life
Image Source: zero-waste-creative.com

The zero-waste life refers to living lightly on the planet. People who adopt this lifestyle consume earth’s natural resources more carefully (as they are limited), and minimize the negative human impact.

46. Simple ideas to reduce e-waste

Simple ideas to reduce e-waste
Image Source: ewaste1.com

While e-waste is certainly a complex issue, the path to solving it doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with these small changes in your life to thrive as an eco-friendly citizen.

47. How does e-waste recycling work

How does e-waste recycling work
Image Source: dashboard.dokorecyclers.com

Curious to learn what goes on behind the scenes when you send off your old laptop for recycling? Find out in this short and sweet illustration.

48. The global face of e-waste recycling

The global face of e-waste recycling
Image Source: harmony1.com

Austria recycles almost 60% of its waste a year. India, around 40%. What about other countries?

49. Types of recycling bins

Types of recycling bins
Image Source: venngage.com

Recycling bins are color-coded to help citizens sort their recycling items more carefully. Learn what each color represents in the recycling world.

50. Recycling symbols

Recycling symbols
Image Source: zero-waste-creative.com

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Not all products are recyclable and sorting the useful from the unusable is critical in efficient recycling. To achieve that, standardized symbols are used to denote products that can be recycled and in what category.

51. Some more signs to understand recycling

Some more signs to understand recycling
Image Source: ecogreenitrecycling.co.uk

Since recycling can be a broad topic, here are some more symbols to help you understand municipal waste and e-waste recycling better.

52. 5 Quick Recycling Facts

5 Quick Recycling Facts
Image Source: saniprofessional.com

This bite-sized infographic gives you a snap preview of what we are dealing with when fighting against the e-waste crisis.

53. Recycling by the numbers

Recycling by the numbers
Image Source: hummingbirdinternational.net

How many trees can we save if we replace recycled paper towels with fiber ones? Learn in this infographic.

54. Paper and plastic recycling facts

Paper and plastic recycling facts
Image Source: reusethisbag.com

Though we are an e-waste recycling service and e-waste is the fastest-growing waste stream in the world, municipal solid waste (including paper and plastic) continues to be the majority of waste we produce. Here are some numbers shedding light.

55. Recycling is energy-efficient

Recycling is energy-efficient
Image Source: familyfocusblog.com

When we recycle electronic and other waste, we save extensive amounts of natural resources including water, glass, energy, gasoline, and more.

56. Recycling: A behind-the-scenes view

Recycling: A behind-the-scenes view
Image Source: oberk.com

What happens when you recycle? A packaging company spills the beans.

57. UK recycling statistics

UK recycling statistics
Image Source: ismwaste.co.uk

The UK is one of the leading nations where citizens are more mindful of climate change and take recycling seriously. These figures share an overall picture of the UK’s recycling culture.

58. E-waste recycling techniques for the future

E-waste recycling techniques for the future
Image Source: junk-king.com

As we learn more about recycling and discover ways to do it better, we continue to explore technologies that optimize e-waste recycling for all.

59. Is recycling enough?

Is recycling enough?
Image Source: statista.com

The world grapples with the mounting waste it generates each year. Does recycling offer the final solution?

60. Why recycling alone is not enough

Why recycling alone is not enough
Image Source: earthbound.report

While recycling is a critical part of the solution, it’s not the ultimate answer to all waste-related woes. A multidimensional approach is needed to prevent waste generation and mainstream the practice of reuse.

61. Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling
Image Source: coperion.com

Plastic is a durable material often found in modern electronics from cell phones to monitors and laptops to printers. While plastic recycling is largely a myth — if not treated as a subset of a comprehensive recycling solution — it’s important to understand what it contains.

62. Make recycling a part of life

Make recycling a part of life
Image Source: eea.europa.eu

The best way to reduce waste is to prevent its generation. By being more mindful of how we use products, what we buy and consume, and whether we reuse any of the things we buy, we can live more impactful lives.

63. Baby steps to recycling

Baby steps to recycling
Image Source: info.junk-king.com

Not sure where to start recycling? Start with PET bottles that Americans throw 2.5 million of every hour.

64. Think before you shop

Think before you shop
Image Source: epa.gov

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wants you to think carefully when you step out or go online to shop. Consider whether you truly need it, how much of it you require, and whether the product and business are eco-friendly.

65. Recycle properly

Recycle properly
Image Source: rumpke.com

While it’s essential to recycle, doing it properly is more important. Learn what that means in these 3 easy steps.

66. Ethical e-waste recycling

Ethical e-waste recycling
Image Source: hummingbirdinternational.net

In an ideal world, recycling is always sustainable. Since we don’t live in an ideal world, conditions must be introduced in all e-waste recycling practices that are grounded in sustainability. That’s called ethical e-waste recycling.

67. A quick recycling guide

A quick recycling guide
Image Source: junkluggers.com

Don’t let all the symbols and colors confuse you. Bookmark this recycling guide and visit it every time you’re about to sort out the trash.

68. What to recycle

What to recycle
Image Source: towardszerowaste.gov.sg

If you are unsure about what to recycle and what needs to go in the bin, the infographic below helps clarify.

69. A recycling guide by the EPA

A recycling guide by the EPA
Image Source: epa.gov

Include your children in the recycling frenzy! Use this simple guide from EPA to teach and learn about the top 10 recyclable items.

70. Consumers get recycling-ready

Consumers get recycling-ready
Image Source: ibswebsite.com

More and more people are getting interested in living a greener life. Recycling numbers are booming, as one local IT firm in Columbus, OH, discovered during its annual recycling drive.

71. More people are recycling than before

More people are recycling than before
Image Source: blog.livinggreentechnology.org

A tire company sent out a survey to its consumers in 20 markets across the U.S. The responses showed an encouraging trend of recycling becoming more mainstream. Take a look.

72. Cellphone recycling rates

Cellphone recycling rates
Image Source: blogs.rochester.edu

A typical user replaces their smartphone every 18 months or so. In many cases, software upgrades necessitate that; in others, consumeristic marketing can be held responsible. Find out other staggering facts surrounding global cellphone usage.

73. Aligning learning objects with IT purchases for schools

Aligning learning objects with IT purchases for schools
Image Source: edtechmagazine.com

An educational tech firm shares the infographic below as a checklist for IT professionals and schools to consult when buying new devices and gadgets for school.

74. Eco-friendly classrooms

Eco-friendly classrooms
Image Source: remarkablecoating.com

If your school has installed energy-efficient lights in the classroom but continues to rely on digital devices for routine classwork, that’s not very efficient. This business believes whiteboards are an alternative that can potentially reduce this reliance in some cases.

75. E-waste in education

E-waste in education
Image Source: hummingbirdinternational.net

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Our schools and universities have become more digital, at a tremendous environmental cost. This infographic from 2016 takes you back to the recent history to show you how it started.

76. Recycling in schools

Recycling in schools
Image Source: resources.pepsicorecyclerally.com

Teachers and school administrators are in a unique position to instill the habit and love of recycling in children from a young age. By encouraging discipline in recycling, we can build generations of eco-conscious citizens.

77. History of Recycling

History of Recycling
Image Source: allgreenrecycling.com

When you think about how little people know about recycling and its merits, you’d think it’s a new concept. The truth is that the first curbside recycling program started in France back in 1884. Ready for more startling facts? Check out the infographic below.

78. Importance of proper e-waste recycling

Importance of proper e-waste recycling
Image Source: inhabitat.com

There’s e-waste recycling, and then there’s proper and responsible e-waste recycling. Learn the difference with this helpful graphic.

79. Recycling in Iowa, US

Recycling in Iowa, US
Image Source: sustainability.uiowa.edu

This is a helpful resource for people in Iowa City looking for a handy guide to learn where to drop off their old electronics.

80. Data protection while donating old tech

Data protection while donating old tech
Image Source: ncsc.gov.uk

Improper e-waste recycling gives rise to cybersecurity concerns. You must erase all the data from your devices through professional data destruction methods before donating or recycling.

81. Recycling waste and saving gorillas? Sign me up!

Recycling waste and saving gorillas? Sign me up!
Image Source: thebossmagazine.com

Who knew you could recycle waste and use it to save gorillas in Congo? Let’s do it.

82. Cost-efficient pathway to a green business

Cost-efficient pathway to a green business
Image Source: psprint.com

Contrary to popular belief, recycling and living a more conscientious life is not that expensive. Here are 5 affordable ways to turn a leaf and make your business green.

83. Green business ideas

Green business ideas
Image Source: neutrinobursts.com

If you are striving to live an entrepreneurial life, why not start a green business? Take a look below to see if any ideas sound cool.

84. Consumer Goods Forum on Sustainable Business Success

Consumer Goods Forum on Sustainable Business Success
Image Source: theconsumergoodsforum.com

The CGF, a global organization helping businesses become more sustainable, shares in this infographic how it facilitates success for sustainable businesses.

85. Turning waste into energy

Turning waste into energy
Image Source: energy.gov

Several ways exist to turn waste into beneficial things for use. In this case, energy and power. The infographic below shows how one plant in Vero Beach, FL takes waste from landfills and turns it into energy that powers homes and businesses.

86. How is waste turned into energy

How is waste turned into energy
Image Source: energy.gov

The last infographic piqued your interest? Take a look at this one to learn the process behind the practice.

87. The Green Economy

The Green Economy
Image Source: skillsfuture.gov.sg

As companies around the world become more environmentally minded, sectors within the economy are emerging, creating a need for expert people in green skills.

88. What is a circular economy?

What is a circular economy?
Image Source: apc.org

The circular economy aims to reduce the pressure on natural resources by keeping them in use for as long as possible. Check out the infographic below to understand how it works.

89. Tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle

Tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle
Image Source: bestdisposalinc.com

Adopt a green living lifestyle with these helpful tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle your trash.

90. Invite the kids to join in

Invite the kids to join in
Image Source: juicygreenmom.ca

Make recycling a family affair. Use the infographic below to talk to children about the importance of recycling and how to do it easily and efficiently.

91. Top 20 things to recycle

Top 20 things to recycle
Image Source: ecogreenlove.com

As you become more comfortable with your recycling journey, add some more items to your list of recyclables. Let this infographic help.

92. Key benefits of recycling

Key benefits of recycling
Image Source: hummingbirdinternational.net

What good does waste recycling do to the people and planet? Here are the top 10 benefits we enjoy when we recycle.

93. Reducing your carbon footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint
Image Source: infographicsarchive.com

Carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the air due to our activities. Some simple changes in daily living and typical business practices can reduce our carbon footprint significantly.

94. Eco-friendly merchandise ideas for businesses

Eco-friendly merchandise ideas for businesses
Image Source: pens.com

Make a lasting impact on consumers of your brand’s eco-friendly practices. Explore these merchandise ideas of reusable drinkware, straws, keychains, bags, and more.

95. Become an e-waste recycling champion

Become an e-waste recycling champion
Image Source: who.int

Start community initiatives to make recycling a neighborhood activity. Here are some ideas by the World Health Organization.

96. Alternatives to throwing away

Alternatives to throwing away
Image Source: wastecapne.org

When you don’t want to throw e-waste away yet struggle with recycling for any reason, the infographic below gives you some cool ideas at the end of organizations you can give it to.

97. Recycling electrical goods in the UK

Recycling electrical goods in the UK
Image Source: resource.co

Did you know that the average person in the UK buys 3 new electric or electronic products every year? Find more astonishing facts about the UK’s e-waste issue below.

98. Recycling myths

Recycling myths
Image Source: waste360.com

Do you believe that no trash must be sent to landfills? If you do, that’s a myth so many of us initially fall for. The reality is that recycling can be expensive and landfills, when done properly, help us save energy by turning waste into power.

Check out more recycling myths in this chart.

99. Waste management according to the UN

Waste management according to the UN
Image Source: harmony1.com

What does the United Nations have to say about the insane amounts of waste the world produces every year? Find out below.

100. Sustainability at CSU

Sustainability at CSU
Image Source: csuohio.edu

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Cleveland State University shares the steps it has taken to reduce its waste and the impact it has made through its recycling efforts.

101. What is ITAD

What is ITAD
Image Source: quantumlifecycle.com

ITAD is IT asset disposition where enterprise-level recycling takes place. Businesses with lots of IT infrastructure need expert ITAD professionals to come in, secure their IT assets, dispose of the data neatly, and help them achieve their sustainability goals.

102. Global ITAD market

Global ITAD market
Image Source: gminsights.com

The global ITAD market, spurred by sustainability goals at the consumer and corporate level, is growing exponentially. According to this data, the market is expected to grow to $31.4B by 2032.


Every year, the world generates shocking amounts of e-waste, and only a fraction of it is recycled. Though most governments in the developed world have outlawed improper e-waste disposal, the widespread adoption of electronic recycling remains a distant dream.

To understand the global e-waste crisis with depth and context, we have created this extensive resource for customers and businesses to consider and explore.

We’ll keep adding to this space so bookmark the page and share far and wide.

About The Author

Kelly Sampson is a writer, blogger, and environmental enthusiast. She has strong opinions about climate change, the dogs vs. cats debate, and Oxford commas. She has lent Hummingbird International her engaging and spirited voice and turned our blog into a great place to find valuable information about e-waste, e-waste recycling, and the ITAD industry. Explore our blog to read more of her work.

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