Apparently, Al-Gore was right in his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” The earth is in trouble. But global warming is only part of the problem. Trash mismanagement is to blame as ...
The earth is screwed no thanks to global warming. There are some researchers who predict that temperatures will continue to rise for decades. This is already happening as we speak! ...
Can an ex Smartphone kill you? It can especially if you live in Guiyu where your old phone will probably be left to rot in a landfill next ...
Did you know that a large number of what is considered as electronic waste is not waste at all. E-waste can be reused if it is recycled. Discarded electronics are ...
What do you do once your smartphone loses its luster? If you are like most consumers, you probably buy a new model and discard the old one in the trash. ...
WEEE or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment are growing at an alarming rate. As a result, global e-waste dumping has also become a cause for concern. Why? EEEs are made ...