Saving The Planet, One Joke At A Time: 30 Climate Action Posters We Love

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Climate Action posters

Photo Credit: iStock/FilippoBacci

The start of March announces the biggest event in the climate activism calendar. Environmental advocates from around the world gather up and hold climate action rallies worldwide. Thousands take up to the streets where protests are held to raise awareness about climate change, gather support, and influence politicians and world leaders to take radical action.

But it was not always the case.

Though climate activism was always a substantive movement, it shot to its current levels of global consciousness through the efforts of a lone Swedish student a few years back.

In 2018, Greta Thurnberg, then a 15-year-old student, skipped school and sat on the steps of the Swedish parliament asking for significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Her activism as a young person, representing the first generation that will be most impacted by the catastrophes of climate change, roused millions of students worldwide.

It gave new life to climate change debates, galvanized the masses, and most importantly, inspired the youth who are now leading the climate change movement on the streets and in the schools.

But they, and the rest of us who are passionately trying to save the planet, have a long fight to fight, and things get heated sometimes — like our dear planet.

Climate-change naysayers are one reason. Climate change myths like how plastic is a recyclable material are another. But those in the leadership positions are the worst kind of roadblocks to fight. Not only these industry and political leaders are slow to take action, but the action they do take always leaves a lot to be desired.

To keep the spirits up in the face of all these delays, denials, and dormancy, humor is the shield that climate activists arm themselves with.

Witty one-liners, catchy memes, and funny warcries come to the rescue.

The Signs We Liked The Best

As we celebrate March as the climate activism month, we dedicate this post to saving the planet one joke at a time.

Below you will find placards, slogans, and signs from climate action rallies from around the world that are fun, funny, and creative. They show you that the fight to save our planet is still on, and we’re coming at it with laughter in our hearts and jokes on our lips.

1. No good ever came from ignoring the scientists

2. We Can’t Pick A Winner

3. Especially If The Imaginary Boyfriend Was Shawn Mendes

4. “Winter Is Not Coming!”

5. But Look Who Is!

6. “The Wrong Amazon Is Burning!”

7. And Do It Soon!

8. Fighting For What’s Important

9. Protecting The Most Precious

10. “Science, Not Silence!”

11. Love For All

12. It’s That Smirk For Me

13. I Know, Right!

14. Honestly!

15. No, Seriously

16. ‘Nuff Talk!

17. Fried potatoes > burning planet

18. So much love for Ireland!

19. They’re Definitely The Superior Intelligence

20. “Kinda Thought My Death Would Be Cooler Than This.”

21. The Best #Climateaction Sign

22. The Kids Have A Point

23. Only Winners Here

24. Here As Well

25. It’s So Serious That Even Introverts Are Out

26. Maybe That’s Why Leo’s A Climate Activist

27. Regina George Disapproves

28. An Old Classic Spotted

29. It’s Time

30. Feminists Are With Earth


The climate crisis is a serious issue but the way we deal with it can be made fun. Lightheartedness is something that prevents activists from suffering the gravest bouts of burnout, making activism a positive and healing experience.

As you prepare for this year’s climate action rallies, use jokes on your protest signs to bring people closer, point out the absurdities in opposing argument, and make your climate messaging easier and fun to remember.

About The Author

Kelly Sampson is a writer, blogger, and environmental enthusiast. She has strong opinions about climate change, the dogs vs. cats debate, and Oxford commas. She has lent Hummingbird International her engaging and spirited voice and turned our blog into a great place to find valuable information about e-waste, e-waste recycling, and the ITAD industry. Explore our blog to read more of her work.

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