Pros And Cons Of Recycling Computers

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We are all now living in a world of enhanced awareness of energy conservation and preserving the environment, therefore it is hardly surprising that going green is rapidly becoming the newest catch phrase in today’s society. It is now commonplace the try and recycle just about everything we use, from aluminum cans to motor parts.  Recycling computers, however, hasn’t quite got enough attention. This is mainly due to the fact that most people are unaware of the various benefits and drawbacks of recycling computers.

Pros And Cons


• Health Benefits

Plastic, gases, and other similar products are used for the production of modern electronics. Lead is one example of a material that is used for electronics manufacturing and one that poses a huge threat. Furthermore, dumping this electronic waste into landfills will result in releasing harmful chemicals into the air that can cause serious damage to their health. Furthermore it also gravely affects the soil as these chemicals leach into the soil and cause erosion.

• Economic Benefits

This is a practical reason to consider recycling electronics. Not only are you doing the environment a favor, but your own budget as well. Think of how much you can save from the production and manufacturing process if you decide to re-use any old electronics and computer products. Dealing with electronics can be a burden on the wallet so opting to recycle will be beneficial for both the manufacturer and the consumers.

• More Jobs

Considering that around 90 percent of electronic equipment is recyclable, electronics recycling can play a significant role in creating employment. This is because new firms dealing with electronics recycling will form and existing firms will look to employ more people to recover recyclable materials. This can be triggered by the increase in the demand for electronics recycling.

• Conserves resources

There are many materials that can be recovered from old electronics. These materials can be used to make new products, thus reducing the need to mine for new raw materials. For instance, various metals can be recovered from computer circuit boards and other electronics, and the plastics and glass found in computer monitors and televisions can be recycled.

• Supports the community

Although there are many ways to involve your community in recycling. Donating your old electronics plays an important role in the provision of refurbished products such as computers and mobile phones, which can be of great help to low-income families, schools, and not-for-profit organizations. It also helps individuals gain access to technology that they could not have otherwise afforded.

• Prevents abuse of resources

The process of recycling is also a form of discipline. Your goal for electronics recycling should be to preserve the natural resources instead of using them up in a rapid rate.


• Sorting

Skilled workers are needed to break a computer down into component parts, sort them properly and test them for resale. They also must know how to strip valuable metals to be melted down and reused. Workers with these skills might not be available near the recycling center, and untrained workers who process computers inappropriately risk inhaling toxic material.

• Toxic Materials

Computers contain toxic substances, including cadmium, chlorine, mercury, bromine and lead. Besides possibly injuring recycling center workers, these materials can get into the environment, polluting the air and water

• Preventing Donation

While an older computer might seem like junk to a person eager to get the latest model, recycling it means not donating it to poor people who could benefit from using it for education, job searches and to stay in contact with friends and family through email and social media.

• Identity Theft

If a person discards a computer before securely erasing the hard drive, unscrupulous workers at the recycling plant could access important personal information to use in identity theft crimes.


While most people consider recycling to be an option, something to be done if possible but not absolutely necessary, the reality is quite startling. Recycling isn’t an option, it’s a need. Our dear earth has a noose tied around its neck and each computer, smartphone that we don’t recycle only succeeds in tightening this noose. The advantages of recycling computers clearly outweigh the disadvantages so let’s get up and recycle.

About The Author

Kelly Sampson is a writer, blogger, and environmental enthusiast. She has strong opinions about climate change, the dogs vs. cats debate, and Oxford commas. She has lent Hummingbird International her engaging and spirited voice and turned our blog into a great place to find valuable information about e-waste, e-waste recycling, and the ITAD industry. Explore our blog to read more of her work.

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