E-waste is a concerning issue in almost every part of the globe. It is also growing at an exponential rate due to the introduction of low priced electrical devices. How ...
The renowned toy company, Lego is committed to go green as it recently expressed its intent to invest a mammoth amount of $150 million in a project to develop new ...
If someone says that electronic waste recycling can benefit our national defense system, would you be surprised? You must be! But guess what? It definitely can! Electronic recycling goes beyond just ...
Featured Image: iStock.com/Gewoldi Who does not fancy a new, cool gadget? Especially when we want to keep up with the latest onslaught of technological changes. But, have you ever wondered - ...
Featured Image: iStock.com/vtwinpixel A wise man was once asked, what will be humanity’s downfall? He replied: Humanity. In the fast paced world that we live in, technology becomes obsolete faster than the ...
Featured Image: freepik.com/photoroyalty E-waste is the Toxic Legacy of Our Age. Ewaste has been a burgeoning problem for years now, but recent statistics indicate that the problem has gotten out of control. ...