[INFOGRAPHIC] DIY eWaste Project Ideas

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DIY ewaste

With the day to day increase in the usage of different electronic devices, the tendency of e-waste is more likely to increase. E-waste is a global problem for our environment which tends to grow every passing day. It depends on us how we treat that waste? There are numerous ways with which we can make all that electronic waste useful, productive and less harmful for the surroundings.

This info-graphic will provide you with some DIY projects that will help you keep the electronic waste from going into the landfills. It gives us some useful ideas on how to reuse or recycle the old electronics to make this place a better place to live.

These do-it-yourself projects help you reuse those electronic items that you were going to throw away, otherwise. Have a look at the interesting DIY Project of an automated Cat Feeder, in which you can turn your old VCR (the ones with timers in it) into a cat feeder dispenser and set times at specified intervals.  If you have the ability to improvise then you are for sure a skilled DIY engineer who can rebuild from different parts.

This is no rocket science either. Even if you don’t have the required mechanical skills, you can still use old gadgets and turn them into something new. For instance, you can use your old Macintosh computer into your iPad stand.

If nothing works out, then you always have different alternatives that will help you keep all that electronic junk from going into the landfills. You can check the trade-in programs that different companies arrange and get money for handing over your old gadgets to them. Another option is to donate those electronic items that are no longer in your use.

These tips are for both skilled and non-skilled DIY-ers so that they can play their part in creating a difference in our environment.

DIY e-waste

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About The Author

Kelly Sampson is a writer, blogger, and environmental enthusiast. She has strong opinions about climate change, the dogs vs. cats debate, and Oxford commas. She has lent Hummingbird International her engaging and spirited voice and turned our blog into a great place to find valuable information about e-waste, e-waste recycling, and the ITAD industry. Explore our blog to read more of her work.

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