Keeping Your Holiday Waste In Check 101

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Like it or not, most of us tend to stack up too much waste during the holiday season. From gift wrappings to travelling to another state to spend Christmas with the family; everything has an impact on energy use. In fact, according to the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA), household waste usually increases in the days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. E-waste also reaches its peak during this time of year. The high tech holiday hullaballoo spikes e-waste generation through the proverbial roof and the environment bears the brunt of it.

Take one step greener by reducing and managing your waste responsibly through these simple tips –

1. Do You Really Need The Latest And Greatest?

Does Christmas really need to be the season for new gizmos and gadgets? But Black Friday sales can make the best of us loosen the purse strings and make a beeline for the electronic aisle. The marketing and Christmas jingles that follow are hard to ignore as well. Stay committed to your cause! If your Smartphone is in good working order, keep it around for a while. Upgrade when you absolutely have to.

Do You Really Need The Latest And Greatest

2. Out With The Old, In With The Reused

If your electronic items are a little worse for wear, replace them with the used variety. Sell off your old items instead of throwing them away. Consider giving them away to relatives or people who may need them instead. You can also choose to donate them. This way, you reduce your carbon footprint and work towards a good cause.

Out With The Old, In With The Reused

3. Repair

Do your devices have glitches? Repair them instead of chucking them out or replacing them with newer models. You will be surprised at how much money you save this year.


4. Leftovers Are Love

Wasting scrumptious leftovers is no way to celebrate. Reduce food waste by sealing it in airtight plastic bags or containers. Make sure that you squeeze any air out of the bags before they are sealed for storage. This way, the food will remain fresh and you can munch on it later.

Leftovers Are Love

5. Look For Ways To Reduce Waste

Whether you decide to shop at the mall or online, chances are that the plastic bags and packaging materials will pile up. Stashing them in your bins is a bad idea. Clean and dry plastic bags can be dropped off at collection bins at some storefronts.

Look For Ways To Reduce Waste

6. Party Greener

You may be planning to invite friends or family over to celebrate the holiday season. However, holiday bashes produce more waste than you know. Instead of paper towels, set the table with reusable dishware, glasses, cloth napkins and utensils. Stay away from the plastic variety.

Party Greener

7. Go For Quality Gifts

These may be pricier but they also have the potential to last longer as well. Items that are cheaper on the other hand, are less durable. In other words, they will probably be gracing the inside of the nearest trash receptacle soon after they are given away.

Go For Quality Gifts

It is the season of giving. Give back to the environment by keeping your waste in check this holiday season. Extend the life of your electronics instead of buying new ones. Reuse old items. And look for new ways to keep waste to a minimum this Christmas.

About The Author

Kelly Sampson is a writer, blogger, and environmental enthusiast. She has strong opinions about climate change, the dogs vs. cats debate, and Oxford commas. She has lent Hummingbird International her engaging and spirited voice and turned our blog into a great place to find valuable information about e-waste, e-waste recycling, and the ITAD industry. Explore our blog to read more of her work.

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