E-waste is an asset, and an asset is a valuable quality of electronic equipment. E-waste relates to discarded electronic products like computers, cell phones, tablets, and kitchen appliances. Apart from ...
In 2021, the world produced a sickening amount of 57.4 million metric tons of e-waste. On paper, it’s just a number. Rolls right off the tongue, and doesn’t leave a ...
How many of us ever think about what our electronic devices are made of every time we buy a new one or throw the old one out? The truth is that ...
As a digital recycling company, we are at the forefront of what incessant consumerism is doing to the economy and the planet. The world is slowly disappearing under the crushing ...
A system should be declared broken when an entire planet and its people have to literally suffer and die in order to keep two dozen people wealthy. Yet, this is the ...
We have talked at length about the devastating effects of electronic waste on human, animal, and planet life. These effects are deep rooted and multibranched. But since this is our 2022 ...