Featured Image: iStock.com/petovarga Do you know where your cell-phones and laptops go to die? If they are not recycled or disposed-off, they pose real threat to the people living on this ...
In this modern era of technology, gadgets like tablets and smart phones have become a need for every person, especially, students. It has become a basic need for their academic ...
Featured Image: iStock.com/dzejdi A luxury of previous decade but a liability for centuries! News: CRT monitors and Televisions are now obsolete. A million dollar question is how to dispose off this ...
Featured Image: iStock.com/ChrisSteer It is observed that some people say they are busy recycling, while on the other hand some say that all the efforts required for gathering and processing old ...
Featured Image: iStock.com/DanielVilleneuve The advent of the internet not only revolutionized our lifestyle and improved the ways of communication but also made an obvious impact on our surroundings and environment. Buying ...
Do you care about where your electronic equipments end up once you have conveniently disposed them off away from your close proximity? The whole reality to the treatment of e-waste ...